Hello friends, family, and future friends! Truth & Salvage Co. has just successfully returned from another California sojourn. The overall sentiment during this trip was that of wonder for the absolute beauty of California. Not to negate the attributes of Los Angeles, but it is easy to

get lost in the madness of this city and its 25 million inhabitants, and to forget that the spirit of the wild truly dominates the west coast. Our routing brought us just North of the state into Ashland OR, then Sebastopol, Lake Tahoe, Santa Cruz, San Luis Obispbo, and Visalia, CA. The roads and small towns and country side connecting these places are the finest. It is a privilege to get to know this great state.
We ate a lot of sandwiches this trip, I prefer mine with extra spinach as clearly documented by this photo. We are on a cost effective and spiritually cleansing sandwich diet, which has helped to inspire the new hit "Eighteen Sandwiches".
With a surplus of condiments and cold cuts stashed between driver and passenger seats we have effectively staved off hunger once again as well as the draw of 99 cent menus.
Please stay tuned for further updates, enjoy the summer season by going barefoot whenever possible, Peace!
Great to see you in S'pol last Monday. Also good to get to spend some time together catching up. You guys sounded great and I am really looking forward to the future for you all. Keep in touch.