the Harpoons, excellent band that reminded me me of Hedwig crossed with the Violent Femmes. Triumph Brewery was super hospitable, filet mignon and homemade beer, should have photographed the meal...
Travel Plaza Sunoco... New Jersey, note Martha our GPS stuck in the foreground, Martha just about got thrown out of the window, New Jersey doesn't like Martha...
My boots blew out after a two week re-sole, rains a lot here, I'm tough on shoes. Found the Western boot World and found a pair of used lizard skin boots for twenty bucks. Not sure what species of lizard or if lizard needs to be made into boots but twenty bucks?

A well deserved mention goes to Josh Dixon of Atlanta GA who is assisting us on the road during these first couple of weeks. True Story: Walker's best and oldest friend. Made up: Found him first night of The Black Crowes tour selling veggie burritos and Clamato, knew he'd be perfect...
Played Teaneck nJ tonight at Mexicali Live, we embraced the experience and blew the doors off the venue, met some great people! Went back to homebase In NJ, visited the bar, watched a cowboy get messed up at the rodeo on TV, ordered another round and ran into Razor Ramon.
Now Razor was good enough to take a photo with us, but Razor did not like the humor of Timothy Lee Jones, and when Timmy tried to compare The Newark Airport to The Burbank Airport Razor just about snapped.
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