Family, friends well well well! Fifty hours and five hundred dollars later we made it to the blessed home country of Asheville NC! En route to support the Black Crowes we ran our van "The Champion", nonstop taking turns sleeping.

Hi Sahara Oasis was our first stop out of LA 4$ a gallon gas, here is our trailer tag, perfect.

Our first meal was devoured in Alberquerque at a restaurant I've always held dear to me, the Frontier. Bought two dozen tortillas, the best flour tortillas in the world. Pretty sure I'm getting their logo tattooed on my arm!

Timmy posing in the beautiful Western Sunset! The lighting was perfect, true cowboy action!

Stopped in Santa Rosa for a dip in the blue hole. 61 degrees excellent, clear 81 ft deep, dude named Choosy doing full gainers....

Crazy lightning near Amarillo, TX, lit up the whole sky, I tried to capture award winning shots, this is the best I got...

And the revolution is happening in Oklahoma City too, but they are trying to cover it up! More to be posted! Come to the Grey Eagle August 22!!! Peace...Kinnebrew!
I have always fancied getting a tattoo of the Texas Pete logo. He could be brothers with the Frontier logo guy.