An adventure awaited and we were all excited to get started. This was a day of laughter and chatter. Walking through the airport in Atlanta we turned many heads.
One person in particular caught my attention: A soldier just returning from Iraq. Tim, Joe, and I struck up a conversation with the soldier. He told us how appreciative he was that we were sacrificing to perform for the troops. Appreciative of us?? He is the one who is risking his life to keep our freedom and he is thanking us? This sentiment continued throughout the whole trip. Every soldier thanked us.
He gave me a patch and we said goodbye.
On the plane, Tim constructed and exact replica of Smitty and his mustache...from peanuts.
We arrived in Minnesota and started our pre production. We had to learn to use PODS since no amps were coming with us. (PODS are these little pedal boards that duplicate amps of various models. You just plug right into them.)
We also met our guide and new friend Adam from Minneapolis who would be a life savor over in Iraq.
It had been a long day of travel so we turned in early.
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